Thursday, 5 November 2009

An Innocent Guy (Synopsis)

An innocent guy is a basic psycho traumatic thriller about a man with the perfect life. Perfect health, perfect job, perfect example of the 21st century life and how it should be lead. The main character in the story loves his life and his ways but living in such a demanding world it becomes apparent to him that his life is missing that one bad thing. He takes a look on reality and sees all the damage destruction and suffering that collapses upon the people around him. After seeing this look on life he feels that bad is a part of the perfect life and that we all have to do one major thing in our lives that we regret and that we are never proud of. He ponders on this thought for some time and thinks that he should commit one of the biggest crimes but would never be suspected due to the life he has led and this would be his one terrible thing. He sets up the master plan to assassinate one of the leading figures of society who watches over and protects the city’s citizens as this would lead to pure havoc and desperation among everyone. He studies and researches the figures movements, lifestyle, vantage points and the life they lead to find the perfect time to attack. In the end he manages to successfully kill the figure but with a cost, it seems this perfect guy did not prepare or expect the worst. The police hunt high and low for the man searching the entire town so he lives the very abnormal life of the underground thugs to end up being found and hung. Although he was just the innocent guy who tried to do something worthwhile in life he ruined everything he had.

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