Tuesday, 30 March 2010

3.9. Technical and logistical successes during production

Technical and logistical successes


Before we went out shooting we planned our work thoroughly, By story boarding and creating an extensive time management spreadsheet which aided us to complete the shooting with out going off schedule. We did not have to use any of the schools as we used my personal equipment; due to this there was no hassle about forms and time with equipment


After we had discussed agreements of the locations and got the papers signed we were ready to go out and shoot. Unfortunately it rained all day when we went to do our exterior shots so we did some things in the studio. We use deado 0.8ks lights with tungsten - blue gel’s angled off –axis of the subject to achieve a nice dramatic lighting.

We then shoot all the exterior shots in one day shot after shot, as we already planned the routes from location to location we know how to get there and how long it would take to get there and we accounted for this in our schedule due to this we had time to start the edit the same day .

Post Production

After we shot the next step was to download and edit the footage. We used a software package called Final Cut pro to edit, as I edit on a day to day basis already knew the basics but the other member of my group hadn’t used it before but he was given a crash course and this enabled us to share the responsibility this was probably the easiest part of the production. We cut the footage and the we did something called post processing which is tweaking some visual aspects of the product like exposure , white balance and brightness and contrast after this we used live type to create the titles and text .

3.8. Technical and logical problems encountered at any stage during production

Technical and logistical problems

During the production we had a couple things that slowed us down like both of us being ill, I had my appendix taken out so I spent to weeks of time we could have used shooting in hospital. Apart from that we really we didn’t really encounter any problems while shooting .


During the editing the was what seemed to be a catastrophic problem our hard drive failed due to circumstances that we could not control but we got on with it and then finished our product, what we learnt from this is the solem rule of backing up in at least 3 places.

Monday, 23 November 2009

Call Sheet

Location Scouting

Shooting Checklist

Filming Process log post 2

Due to our time constraints we had decided to change our location for the church scene to St Mary's church, on church street. This was due to the fact time was getting too short and we needed a rough edit of footage as soon as we could. It was a perfect location as it had everything we needed and was just across the road from the school. The shots we took within the church we are happy with all though we believe that we may have to reshoot the focus pulls as we believe that they don't work, however we may be able to save time by editing the shots to how we would like it by cutting the shot and making the focus pull itself a little bit longer.

We have also noticed after watching the rough draft that the lip sync dub is not in time, but this was our first attempt and we were not determined to keep this footage as we have all ready planned to reshoot the scene with the character in costume.

Also we now have a few more locations we would like to shoot so this weekend we are setting personal plans aside and getting our footage from 'Up the Bracket Alley' and our new locations in the Barbican and near the South Bank, we may even use iconic buildings.

Monday, 16 November 2009

Filming Process log post 1

Due to illnesses from both of us within our partnership we have become behind schedule with our filming, as on our only day where both of us were well enough to film we could not due to bad weather. However we have managed to get a few goods shots of the location alone to help us build ideas to further our shot list and we have decided on our last two locations. We are fully prepared to shoot we just now need to find the time and get it done. Hopefully this will happen by the end of the week even though my partner is currently ill there is hope that he becomes well enough to shoot the whole film before the week is out.